









attorney :


address :





CRIME : Sexual Harassment


DATE OF OFFENSE : …/ …/ ….




1-) Our client …. he’s old ….. He’s a high school… freshman. Our client, who is located a meter distance between his house and his school, walks to and from school every day on foot during these walks, passing by the suspect’s house named Dec.


2-) A friend of our client’s …/…/… date … …. during the passage of the suspect in front of the suspect’s house, the suspect took off his pajamas from the inside of the window of his house and showed his genitals to our client and his friend; he saw the situation and shouted “we will continue tomorrow” from behind our client and his friend, who left running.


3-) The action taken by the suspect against our client is Article 105 of the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237. since it constitutes the crime specified in the article, the filing of a complaint petition has become mandatory.

LEGAL REASONS : 5237 P. K. m. 105 and related legislation.


CONCLUSION AND PROMPT : It is doubtful for the reasons described above …. …. we request by proxy that a decision be made to open a public case for punishment by conducting an investigation against him. …/…/….



Attorney of the Client

Yağız Canseven

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