



The complainant : First Name Last Name – T.C. ID number – Address and phone information

The complainant : First Name Last Name – T.C. ID number – Address and phone information

(If the suspect is not clear, the perpetrator should be written in this section)

Offense : Intentional wounding, insult, threat, violation of workplace immunity

Date of Offense : 2021/07/20/20/20

Instructions :

the suspect complained about on 15/01/2021….. a person named the owner came to my workplace where I was working and attacked me with curses and threats and started beating me up. The suspect who stormed my store in a way I never understood both beat me up and threatened and insulted me by saying “idiot, idiot, I will kill you, I will not keep you alive in this city” sentences addressed to me. Although I have repeatedly told him to leave my store, he did not leave and continued these criminal actions.

The suspect was removed from my store by the intervention of dec tradesmen in the surrounding area. In this regard, I demand that the other shopkeepers on the street where my store is located be listened to as witnesses and that a camera recording be investigated. I am submitting the report of the beating I received from Silivri State Hospital to the file after the suspect attacked my side.

In light of all these statements, the suspect who came to my store and attacked me, threatened and insulted me ….. i have had the need to request that an investigation be conducted and a public lawsuit be filed against the named person for intentional wounding, defamation, threat, violation of workplace immunity.

Evidence : Camera recording, beat report, witness statements, etc. all kinds of evidence

Request and Conclusion: As I explained in detail above, the suspect who came to my store and attacked me, threatened and insulted me ….. i sincerely offer and demand from your honorable prosecutor’s office that an investigation be conducted on a named person for intentional wounding, insult, threat, violation of workplace immunity and a public lawsuit be filed. …/…/…

The Complainant – First Name Last Name – Signature

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