





CRIME: Violation of the privacy of private life



1- The defendant and my client have side-by-side accounting offices in the same business inn, and there is a special mailbox for each office at the entrance to the floors. My client complains that both his and his clients’ private documents do not come into his hands. He reported them to the management as well as to the post office in writing. When he couldn’t get a result, he started to examine the box during mail times. Again, he once noticed that he had a special letter of his own when he was leaving work, and it was crumpled and thrown away.

2- The next day, my client and the defendant discussed it with the defendant so that the neighbors and those around could also hear it, and when he asked why these private letters and documents were opened, read and discarded by the defendant, he claimed that they were from his mailbox. It has become mandatory to open this case against the absurd and regretful defense made in this case.

3- The defendant violated the right to privacy by reading many documents and letters that belong to my client and are private and became a partner in his secrets. Due to the fact that my client also took his work documents and threw them in the trash, his time-based work was also interrupted and my client suffered damage. He has also learned the private information of my client’s clients. We want the defendant who opened and read the private mail of my client and violated the privacy of his private life to be punished as necessary.

LEGAL REASONS: Turkish Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Civil Procedure and other relevant law articles



The above-described reasons, the respondent in the manner required to be punished … and my client suffered or incurred costs because of the potential harm to the receiving compensation law No. 1136 TL to the defandant to amendment 4667 Law No. 164/ attorney pursuant to the last paragraph in my name do I claim to be dominated. … /… /…


Yağız Canseven

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