





CASE: The case of changing the surname


1- My client ….. he has played football professionally in Turkish football clubs for many years and still coaches due to the conditions he is in.

2- My client is currently on population registration ……. he is registered with the Population Directorate of the province of ………. and his father came to his province many years ago with all his family members and transferred the entire family population records to his father.

3- As of the date of birth of my client, his surname was accidentally … when his father’s population was transferred to … while his father’s last name was … in his province … as of the genealogical register, his last name was accidentally … when his records were reviewed by the population directorate.

4- As is known, in all dictionary scans of the Turkish Language Institution, and if necessary, when looking at the dictionary studies of language specialists, we also find that in our Turkish ………. there is no such word.

5- As we explained above, my client has been 1 for many years. i play in league teams and I play in teams especially before and after the match in the presentation on the fields “………” as a result, my client caused laughter many years later due to difficulty in pronouncing his last name and conjuring other words, and this issue caused sadness and distress in my client’s spiritual world.

6-client, sometimes even in a group of friends, made jokes, banter, such as oral conversation addressed to the people around him“……… gene name like you’re starting to sound like ” even has been dealing teasing talk shows from time to time.

As explained;

Thus your client common surname history……….. it is known as even though the population in a way……….. because it is written as, in this case, inaccuracies, some confusion in bureaucratic correspondence, conversations that will also be ridiculed in relationships with people, and also reveals a violation of linguistics in terms of the rules that should be this issue in accordance with the surname law;

The last name of the client is for the reasons described; ……… there has been an obligation to contact your court to have it changed.


EVIDENCE : Population Record, Witnesses, etc.


CONCLUSION : For the reasons presented above, my client’s last name is …….. i wish it to be changed to.

I submit to you. Kindest regards,


Plaintiff ….


Yağız Canseven

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